Is it rude to fall asleep during a massage?
Absolutely not, doze away! Since the purpose of your massage is relaxation, and the ultimate form of relaxation is sleep, massage therapists consider a snoring client the ultimate compliment.
Can massages help with headaches and migraines?
There are many different causes of headaches and migraines, but if yours are caused by stress or muscle tension, yes, massage can help alleviate those symptoms. In addition to deep tissue massage that can relax strained muscles, massage also helps increase serotonin leves, which regulates mood, sleep, and appetite.
Can massage help me lose weight?
There are no quick fixes to losing weight. Nothing substitues healthy eating, hydration, exercise, and sleep. That being said, massage and the relaxation it provides can lower high cortisol, the "stress" hormone. Since high cortisol makes weight gain more likely, massage and relaxation do support a healthy routine.
Can I drink alcohol before receiving massage?
The short answer is: it's better if you don't. It's ok to have one drink before a massage, but it's not recommended to receive massage after an Oktoberfest binge. This is because alcohol is dehydrating, which is not helpful when you are receiving massage. Alcohol also numbs your senses, which makes it difficult for you and your therapist to judge the best level of pressure for your massage.
Should I leave my underwear on during a massage?
This is up to you! In barefoot massage, we say "bare is best" because it allows us to work the glutes and thighs better. However, if you feel more comfortable leaving your underwear on, please do! The most important thing is that you feel safe and comfortable during your massage. We can always work around it.