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Managing Stress, Practicing Gratitude

No matter your feelings about the holidays, two things are generally true: The extra festivities, travel, and family obligations can be stressful. And practicing gratitude for what we have has been shown to reduce stress.

Personally, I love the holidays. And curiously, I have found that I love them more every year. Like, you guys, I once scoffed at Hallmark Christmas movies. I now look forward to their campy "feel goods" in the evenings. At the risk of sounding cheesy, I think a lot of it has to do with building my business and my life into something I truly enjoy. I love seeing you guys everyday. Thank you so much for allowing me to continue to do what I love to do.

I have also learned to manage stress so much better than I did when I was younger. I have learned how to say no with grace and to prioritize taking care of my mental and physical health. For instance, I schedule my workouts and figure out my meals for the week in advance, always have my water bottle with me so I am staying hydrated, and make sure I am getting enough sleep. In addition, I make plans with friends occasionally and always have a craft or hobby going which gives me joy.

I hope some of theses suggestions help you think of some things to do if you start to feel overwhelmed this season. And I hope you find some joy in this season too, if you typically find it arduous. If you can, do less! Remember to take breaks. Come get a massage. I would love to hear some of your tips for staying healthy, mentally and physically!

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